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Coliflor con azafrán y almejas


Olive oil

Andalusí Sefardí

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


1 cauliflower, 300 gr of clams, a few strands of saffron, 4 cloves of garlic, 1/2 dl. olive oil, ground white pepper, a few sprigs of parsley, salt, 150 cc. fermented goat milk (yogurt).


We clean the cauliflower and cut it into regular pieces. We put water to boil with salt and at the time of boiling we add the cauliflower and let it blanch for about 2 or 3 minutes. We take out and cool quickly in cold water. We drain and reserve.

In a frying pan we put the oil to heat, and brown the garlic divided into thick pieces. Add the cauliflower, the saffron crushed in a mortar and dissolved in a little broth, the salt and the pepper. We wait, until the cauliflower is golden brown, to put the clams and yogurt, cover and wait until they are open and a kind of sauce has been created. We put chopped parsley on top and serve.