Four varieties of olives: Picual, the autochthonous Royal, Manzanilla and Verdala, give body to the oils of whose quality two regulatory councils of denominations of origin watch over: that of the Sierra de Segura and that of Cazorla, with which the breakfasts are provided. millers, those who are taken slowly and without pause, slowly soaking the bread in oil, and each one preserving its mystical and magical essence, but above all soaking up the nearby remoteness of the mountain landscapes. There are no flavors without landscapes in these lands. And each landscape can be rescued as in a tale of legend a hidden and captive flavor.

The flavors of the park


The oils harmonize the vegetables of its multiple pipirrana -local salad-: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, potatoes, green beans, broad beans, asparagus and collejas, since it must be known that the pipirrana is like the truth, that each one has the hers and defends and spreads it as best he can. Or the jewel of all its mushrooms: The níscalo, which its people here call "guízcano", and which in the rainy season gives flavor and presence to traditional stews such as rags -also called calandrajos, noodles, guiñapos or rags-, or popular dishes such as garlic: hachero garlic, strong food with which the pine cutters of this land, which was a maritime province, used to eat in other times and with whose trees the fleets of ships of the caliphs of Córdoba were built, and more later that of the discoverers of America or the Invincible Armada. In these mountains and villages the word garlic does not always refer to the popular seasoning of the liliaceae plant family, but ...


Gastronomic Guide

The new Gastronomic Guide of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas natural park, entitled THE FLAVORS OF THE NATURAL PARK, is a proposal of recipes, restaurants and agri-food products to understand the park from the flavors.