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Carmelised goat’s cheese roll on spiced bread with onion marmalade


Olive oil

Restaurante Sarga

People: 0


  • Goat's cheese roll
  • Spiced bread
  • Onion marmalade
  • Onion shoots
  • Sugar
This is a more elaborate version of a shepherd's snack, a meal that was traditionally carried in backpacks and baskets.  If there is one cheese that represents these mountains and the Province of Jaén, it is undoubtedly goat's cheese. Segura sheep is mainly used as a source of meat. Most often, it is goat's milk that is used to produce cheese.  In Pozo Alcón, in the South of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Natural Park, you can still find farmhouse cheeses (refer to the chapter on food and agricultural products) which will enable you to prepare this recipe.


Cut the cheese into slices that are approximately 1cm thick. Sprinkle the sugar onto the cheese, and caramelise with the aid of a chef's blowtorch.

Once caramelised, place on the spiced bread and add a small amount of onion marmalade onto the cheese itself along with some onion shoots, arranging in a decorative manner according to your tastes.