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Buñuelo de la abuela (Cantalejo)


Olive oil


Time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


6 eggs, 50 g of rosemary honey, 250 g of bread crumbs, 200 g of sugar, cinnamon powder (to taste), oil for frying, 1.5 liter of milk, 1 pinch of bicarbonate


Beat the eggs with the honey in a bowl. Add half the sugar and baking soda and continue beating. Next, add the crumbled breadcrumbs, stirring well until you get a paste.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and, with the help of a spoon, pour small portions of pasta into the very hot oil until all the dough is finished.

Heat the milk together with the cinnamon and the remaining sugar. When it boils, add the fried balls and let them boil for 5 minutes. They are allowed to cool and they are ready to eat.

You can add a couple of beaten eggs when cooking the milk.