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Estofado de liebre con níscalos


Olive oil


Time: 2 hours

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


1 lièvre, 2 décilitres d'huile, quelques échalotes, 4 gousses d'ail, 1 oignon, 1 Kg de petites girolles, 1/2 l. de vin blanc, 1 cuillère à soupe de chapelure, un petit morceau de chapelure (environ la taille d'une balle de golf), quelques grains de clou de girofle, du poivre.


Put the oil with the shallots, garlic and the finely julienned onion in a saucepan. The martyred hare (*) is sautéed for ten minutes. The cloves and pepper are added, everything is moistened with the wine and the broth, and then it is boiled for an hour. Add the blanched and sautéed chanterelles beforehand, add the bread, let the sauce reduce to 1/3 and, finally, let it rest for ten minutes before serving and add salt and pepper.

(*) way of martyring the hare: After cleaning the hare well, it is cut into pieces by the joints. It is put in a clay pot, with a tablespoon of vinegar, a quarter liter of white wine and a crushed liver of the hare, four cloves of garlic, a branch of thyme, a few grains of cloves and pepper, a tablespoon of oil. and an onion finely chopped julienne. It is little seasoned. The pieces of the hare are smeared and left to rest for a minimum of 12 hours.