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Caldereta de liebre


Olive oil

Caza y Aceite de Oliva

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


2 slices of fatty bacon, 1 cl. of juniper brandy, 1 hare loin (600gr), 1 bunch of vegetables: leek, carrots, celery, 1 onion, salt, 50 g of butter, 1/4 of a liter of strong red wine, 1/8 of a liter of mild meat broth, 2 tablespoons of green peppercorns, 100 gr of fresh cream.


Cut the bacon into 1 cm wide strips and marinate for 3 hours in the brandy.

Dry the meat with a cloth, remove the skin if necessary and debone it. Clean the vegetables, wash them and cut them coarsely. Peel the onion and cut it into quarters.

Heat in a 30 gr casserole. of butter and sauté the bones of the loin, the vegetables and the onion. Add 1/8 of a liter of wine and reduce. Add the rest of the wine and the broth, salt to taste and cook covered for 20 minutes over low heat.

Tuck the loins. Heat the rest of the fat in a pan and fry them for 15 minutes.

Crush the pepper, strain the bottom and mix it with the fresh cream and pepper.

Cut the meat into 2 cm fillets. thick, drizzle with the sauce and serve with white bread.