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Venado con membrillo


Olive oil

Caza y Aceite de Oliva

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


800 gr, currant sauce, quince puree, 4 units of candied figs, oil, salt and pepper.

For the quince puree: 200 gr of quince, 200 gr of sugar, 500 cl. of water.

For the currant sauce: meat juice, vinegar, currants, 1 glass of port.


Peel and cut the quince, add the sugar and water and reduce to a simmer; then we pass it and reserve it.

We put all the mentioned ingredients in a pot and reduce them to a low heat; then we reserve it.

For the candied figs, the four units are candied in syrup.

We take the loin, season it and fry it over high heat on both sides. We reserve and divide it into eight fillets, two per serving. We assemble the dish: 2 fillets with a little sauce covering half a fillet, a tablespoon of quince puree and, on top, a candied fig.