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Setas con morro y pies de cerdo


Olive oil


Time: 2 Stunden

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


1 kg de champignons propres, 500 gr de museau de porc, 700 gr de pied de porc, 2 oignons en contreplaqué, 3 gousses d'ail, 1,5 dl. d'huile, 1 verre de vin, 2 cuillères à soupe de farine, 1 cuillère à soupe de paprika, 1 poignée de pignons de pin, 6 grains de poivre, 6 clous de girofle, 1 piment, 1 brin de thym, 2 heures de laurier, 1 tranche de pain frit, jus de citron, sel.


Put over a low heat, in a saucepan, a liter and a half of water, the clean snout and cut into pieces and the pig's feet, divided in half lengthwise, with the peppercorns, bay leaf, thyme, cloves and salt. When it comes to a boil, add the glass of wine and cook until the nose and the foot are tender. Reserve.

In a large frying pan, heat the oil and add the onion, garlic and chilli to taste, all finely chopped. Sauté it slowly so that it does not brown and add the mushrooms, already cleaned and drained, the lemon juice and the pine nuts. Sprinkle the flour and paprika and sauté it all a little. Crush the slice of bread in the mortar and add it as well. Add the nose and pie to the pan along with a little of their broth and bring everything together to boil. Rectify the salt, if necessary, and allow the sauce to reduce. It is served very hot in a clay pot.

You can make a variant of this dish, also very tasty, substituting the pig's nose and foot for ear and tail, and using chanterelles instead of mushrooms. The amount of wine can also be varied according to taste.