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Olive oil

Restaurante La Sarga

People: 0


  • Potatoes
  • Dried red peppers
  • Cod
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Garlic and cumin
  • Salt and extra virgin olive oil
This is one of the many recipes of the Sierra based on local vegetable produce, enriched with the fish traditionally used in inland dishes: salted cod.  This is a versatile dish that can be served as a tapa, starter, side dish or as a main course. It was originally prepared en situ, working in vegetable gardens, transporting timbre or whilst harvesting olives.  In addition to its base of potatoes and dried pepper, it incorporates cod strips or leftovers, as an example of the most humble traditional cuisine.  According to tradition, when the rin-ran was being prepared in the countryside, it would always rain.


Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces and boil them along with the peppers and a pinch of salt.

Once they are cooked, mash them. Add one crushed clove of garlic and a pinch of cumin, mixing previously with the extra virgin olive oil. Cut the cod very finely in the brunoise style and thoroughly mix everything together. Season with salt if necessary.

Serve the dish cold, accompanied with a hard-boiled egg, finely sliced cod, olives, spring onions, orange, etc.