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Lomos de cordero con miel, dátiles y cuscus de frutos secos


Olive oil

Andalusí Sefardí

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


800 gr, 100 gr dates, 50 gr of hazelnuts, 50 gr of almonds, 50 gr of pine nuts, 50 gr of pine nuts, 50 gr of pistachios, 50 gr of raisins, 50 gr of walnuts 250 gr of couscous, a branch of thyme fresh, a branch of fresh rosemary, a cinnamon stick, 1/2 liter of lamb juice, pepper, salt, 80 gr.


Clean the meat from the bones of the chops, completely debone the meat and reserve the bone chopsticks. Empty and fill the dates with a fried almond and roll them with the meat and some fresh rosemary leaves. Cut into portions and prick with the bone stick. Roast in the oven, washed down with a little virgin olive oil and sherry wine. Sprinkle with the cooking liquid several times to make it golden and crisp. Deglaze the roast plate with a little background. Reduce along with honey and vinegar.

Steam the couscous, soak in oil and keep in a warm place covered with a damp cloth. Fry the nuts in virgin olive oil, drain them very well from the oil, dry on paper if necessary. Mix the couscous with the nuts at the moment of serving.

Arrange the roast lamb on the plate sprinkled with a little of the cooking juice and garnish with the dried fruit couscous.