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Huevos moles


Olive oil


Time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


1 liter of milk, 6 eggs, 150 grams of sugar, 100 grams of flour, 1 cup of sweet anise, cinnamon to decorate, cinnamon sticks, 1 lemon peel, 1 orange peel.


We separate the yolks from the whites, we mount the whites to the point of snow; Heat the milk with the cinnamon stick, the lemon peel and the orange peel. Once hot, we remove the cinnamon, lemon and orange. We take a spoon, we make six piles with the whites mounted and we cook them in the milk, turning it over; then we reserve them.

We beat the yolks, and we add the sugar and flour to the milk, making a custard. Once the custard is made, we add a glass of anise, always out of the fire.

Assemble the dessert, preparing six bowls with the custard and, on top, the six cooked egg whites sprinkled with cinnamon.