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Estofado de carne de vaca


Olive oil


Time: 2 hours

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


1/2 Kg of 2nd grade beef, 300 gr of streaky ham, it should have plenty of bacon, 50 gr of very fresh lard, 4 ripe tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 medium onions, 1 glass of white wine dry, 1 teaspoon of brandy, 600 grams of potatoes, 200 grams of fresh peas, salt, pepper, thyme, 1 bay leaf, 5/4 liter of meat broth.


Ask the butcher to cut the meat into cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Chop the ham. Peel and cut the tomatoes and potatoes into small pieces. Heat the oil and butter in a saucepan. When they are hot, sauté the onion and garlic in this fat, making sure they do not brown. When the onion is transparent, add the ham and meat. Sauté it and add the tomatoes, peas, bay leaf and thyme. Sauté everything together a little more, and add the wine, brandy and broth. Add salt and pepper and let it boil for about 80 minutes before adding the potatoes. The salt point is tested and rectified if necessary. Cook for another 30 minutes, until the broth has reduced by half. It is served very hot in a clay pot.