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Corte cremoso de queso de cabra emulsionado con aceite de oliva


Olive oil


Time: Half an hour

Difficulty: Fácil

People: 0


800 grams of cream cheese, 200 grams of goat cheese, 350 grams of extra virgin olive oil, 2 gelatin leaves, chopped parsley, salt, ground white pepper, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cane honey, fresh thyme. Cherry tomato.


Temper the extra virgin olive oil and add the cream cheese. Emulsify the mixture well and add the goat cheese and the previously hydrated gelatin sheets. Season with salt and pepper and add the chopped parsley. Finally, place in the desired mold and let it rest for 24 hours.

Assembly: Unmold the cheese terrine and give the desired cut. Assemble on the plate and add a little cane honey and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Garnish with fresh thyme and cherry tomato.