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Cordero asado a la segoviana


Olive oil


Time: 2 horas

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


1/2 suckling lamb, with its tex of about 3 kg divided into 2 quarters, churro type, coarse salt, juice of half a lemon, mixed with 3/4 of a liter of water prepared the day before, and a splash of white wine.


Turn on the oven and heat it to about 210-230 degrees. Place the 2 quarters of lamb with the ribs facing up in a clay pot, salt it with coarse salt and add approximately 3/4 of a liter of water, in which half a lemon has been squeezed, and its peel. Put it in the oven for approximately 3 hours.

When one part is done, it is turned over, sprinkled again with salt and left to brown to taste for about three quarters of an hour until it takes on a beautiful color.

It is served in the same clay pot with its own juice. It can be served with baked potatoes or a lo poor, or also with lettuce or escarole salad.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to make a cut in the part of the forward's hand, to cut the nerve.