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Corazón de alcachofa confitada en aove, rellena de habitas y foie


Olive oil


Time: 2

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


Artichokes, broad beans, Iberian ham, extra virgin olive oil and foie mi-cuit.

Optional: some smooth puree or cream or tomato sauce.


We peel the artichokes well until we reach the softest leaves, cut the tail and submerge them in the pot where we are going to cook them, filled with oil, and cover them with a plate so that they are covered with oil and do not rust. Once they are all clean and in the pot, we put the pot over low heat, until the artichoke is cooked, on the other hand, in a pan with plenty of oil, also over low heat, cook the beans with a little diced Iberian ham, let cool both firings. When the artichoke is cold, we empty the center of the heart a little and fill it with the well-drained beans with the ham. To serve, we heat the stuffed artichoke, either in the oven or microwave, and at the moment of serving we grate a little foie mi-cuit on top. It can be served with a soft cream or puree or tomato sauce.