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Carrillada en cazuela


Olive oil

Time: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Fácil

People: 4

Price: Asequible


One kg. of pork cheeks or jowls, 2 heads of garlic with skin, a medium onion, 3 liters of meat broth, salt and a glass of extra virgin olive oil.



We clean the cheeks of fat and nerves, leaving it only on the meat. In a saucepan we put a bottom of oil and in it we brown the cheeks, then reserving it in a source. Sauté the chopped onion and whole garlic in the same oil. We put the meat of the cheeks in the saucepan together with the garlic and onion sauce and cover them with the meat broth. We let it cook over a low heat so that it does it with small spurts and not simmer until the meat is tender. We let it cool down and strain the cooking juice without pressing the meat. In another container we put the juice obtained and over moderate heat we reduce it until it is a quarter of its volume. Put the pieces of meat back in the juice and heat over low heat until meat and sauce are well glazed.