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Tortitas de berenjenas


Olive oil

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


2 aubergines, breadcrumbs, beaten eggs, olive oil, dried coriander, cinnamon, ground white pepper.


Cook the peeled and cut aubergines with water and salt. Boiled until they fall apart, we take them out of the water and let them drain. Mash with a fork until pureed and mix with the breadcrumbs, beaten eggs, crushed dried cilantro, cinnamon, white pepper and salt to taste. All the ingredients are mixed well. The pancakes are made and fried in a pan with olive oil until golden brown. Optionally, they can be served by adding a sauce of olive oil, vinegar and crushed garlic on top.

This dish was widely consumed by the early African tribes, especially Berbers, who introduced the eggplant into their daily diet.