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Talega de bacalao con garbanzos


Olive oil


Time: 2 hours

Difficulty: Media

People: 0


For the bag.-Morrococo, spinach sautéed with garlic joint or chives, scrambled eggs, fried and flaked cod.

For the Morrococo.-Cooked chickpeas, chives, virgin olive oil (picual), salt and ground white pepper.


Elaboration (Talega):

The chives are cut into thin julienne strips and sautéed in olive oil; When it is well fried, add the crushed chickpeas and sauté until a smooth cream is formed. It is seasoned and reserved. For the chickpea pancake, bread from the day before, a glass of sherry or dry wine, eggs, virgin olive oil, cooked chickpeas, a drizzle of almond milk, salt and parsley are used.

Elaboration (Morrococo):

The bread is sautéed with the almond milk and the eggs, the glass of wine, the parsley, the garlic - very minced - and the salt are added. It is stirred until there is a consistent dough so that it can be rolled and mixed with the whole chickpeas. The work table is dusted with flour and the dough is stretched with the rolling pin until it forms a layer 1.5 cm thick. The pancakes are cut into rectangles with a knife, floured and fried in virgin olive oil. They are deposited in a container with a fig leaf and set aside.