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Sashimi ibérico de orza, mahonesa de aove al curry y asadillo


Olive oil

Canela en Rama

Time: 1

Difficulty: Media

People: 2


Red peppers, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, garlic and cumin



Roast the peppers on the grill, peel and put the garlic and a tablespoon of cumin in the Thermomix together with their cooking water and grind everything. Once the whole is well emulsified, finish by assembling with the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, add salt and reserve in the cold.

Mahonesa: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, egg and curry.

Preparation: Make a mayonnaise in the traditional way with EVOO and egg, once finished mix with the curry and let it marinate at least 8 hours before use. Reserve in the cold.

Sashimi: Iberian pork secret, salt, sugar, aromatic herbs, garlic and black peppercorns.

Preparation: Mix the sugar and salt in equal parts together with the crushed garlic, aromatics and pepper, cover the meat with the whole and leave to marinate for 6 hours. Clean the meat from the marinade, square and vacuum pack, cook at low temperature for 8 hours, cool and set aside in the cold.

Plated: Cut very thin slices of secret as sashimi, place them on the curry mayonnaise and accompany with the asadillo puree, finish with lettuce shoots.