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Carpaccio de cangreos de río con mahonesa de picual y sus corales, granada y ensaladita refrescante de brotes tiernos


Olive oil


Time: 2

Difficulty: Difícil

People: 5


24 large live crayfish, 1 dl. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, ½ clean pomegranate, 25 cl. of whole milk, 100 gr. of varied nuts, clean of peel and skin, 50 gr. of micro sprouts, smoked olive oil salt, 2 tablespoons of herring and trout roe, 1 tablespoon of olive oil caviar and zest of ½ lime.


Peel and reserve the heads of the crabs. Place 6 tails of the crabs between two sheets of plastic wrap, separating the fleshy part of the crab's tail until a thin sheet is obtained. Reserve in the freezer. Confit the heads in olive oil (75 cl.) And let the result cool. Assemble a mayonnaise with the coral oil, milk and a few drops of lime. Clean the pomegranate and reserve the grains. With the rest of the oil and the chopped nuts, we will make an oil that we will flavor with smoked oil salt. Clean and centrifuge the micro shoots.

Assembly: On a rock plate, arrange the crab carpaccio separating it from the sheets of plastic wrap. Let it cool down for two minutes to completely defrost. Once arranged on the plate, we will proceed to season the Carpaccio by drawing lines with coral mayonnaise on it. Next, we will water with the dried fruit oil that we had previously flavored with the smoked oil salt. We will also have the different roe and the olive oil caviar, as well as the micro sprouts and the pomegranate grains. We will finish with a little lime zest.