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Dolomías de la Piedra de los Agujeros

Singular places

, Siles

Dolomites of the Stone of Holes

The dolomites of the Upper Cretaceous of the Prebetic in the Sierra de Segura surface extensively, configuring a good part of the main reliefs of the same. In the Siles sector there is a north-south mountainous alignment, whose main reliefs are Navalperal (1620 m) and Bucentaina (1395 m).

Between them is the peak called "Piedra de los Agujeros" (1290 m), which is a magnificent example of ruin-shaped relief in dolomites. They are dolomites with sub-horizontal stratification with several caves that cross the peak, and with a very well developed “jagged” relief.

Source: Inventory of Georecourses of Andalusia. Ministry of Environment. Junta de Andalucía.

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