Southern Renaissance

Although the artistic activity of Vandelvira reaches beyond the limits of the province of Jaén, expanding through Castilla la Mancha to the north; the diocese of Guadix-Baza, to the east; Malaga, and possibly Granada, to the south and Córdoba and Seville, to the west, most of his work is concentrated in the ancient kingdom of Jaén, for whose diocese he was Master responsible, apart from the civil architecture commissions in the public domain and orders from individuals.

For all these reasons, it is appropriate to establish a series of routes or itineraries through the broad provincial territory, almost all of it dotted with the interventions of Andrés de Vandelvira, some directly and in life, others followed after his death or conceived by collaborators, who For this reason, they can precisely be described as "vandelvirianas", to which we have also wanted to add those of those other renowned masters or architects in the same sixteenth century, such as Francisco del Castillo, "El Mozo" or Ginés Martínez de Aranda, who come thus to complete the magnificent map of Renaissance architecture in Jaén.