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Picadero el Campillo S.L.

Active Tourism Company

AVDA. DE LA CAIDA S/N - ARROYO FRIO. 23479 , La Iruela How to get

PICADERO DE CABALLOS EL CAMPILLO, offers Horse Riding through the Natural Park of Cazorla, Segura and La Villas. On our horse riding routes, clients are accompanied by at least one native guide from our riding school, who guides, explains and takes care of the behavior of the horses, so that anyone can do these itineraries.

Routes can be hired from one hour to tours of several days, spending the night in hotels, campsites or farmhouses, depending on the option chosen by the client.

Picadero el Campillo S.L. belonging to Parque Natural Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas


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