Huerto de la Cora

Singular places

Calle Sevilla, 29. 23500, Jódar How to get

Located in the municipality of Jódar, in an old school that was occupied at the beginning of the 90s of the last century, the Huerto de la Cora is a reality built thanks to the solidarity and selfless work of the people who make up the association that manages it .
In its terraces it houses a complex amalgam of promising plant species and varieties of high agroecological value, extremely unique and many of them almost unknown or at risk of disappearance, a fact that has attracted visits from experts and scholars from countless parts of the planet.

To this day the orchard maintains - either in direct cultivation or through its seed bank - a contingent of some 400 different varieties.

Since 2013, the Huerto de la Cora Ecocultural Association has received institutional recognition and the transfer of the land by unanimous agreement of all the political groups of the Jódar City Council.

Everything in the Huerto de la Cora has a reason, a story that goes unnoticed by the visitor. It is necessary to decipher the meaning of each component or inhabitant of this space to understand the true value of what is contained in the walls of this old school, which despite not being occupied by the laughter and games of children, is still synonymous with life and future.

Thanks to the work of the members of the Huerto de la Cora Ecocultural Association, a real laboratory activity is maintained here; of recovery and conservation of local seeds –or from other provinces– at risk of extinction, as well as the cultivation of specimens from other areas of the planet that are considered especially interesting based on the climatic conditions of the area.