Centro de Interpretación La Vida en la Frontera

Fortaleza de la Mota. 23680, Alcalá la Real How to get

Alcalá la Real is a strategic enclave as the border between the Kingdom of Granada and Castile. The concept of the frontier and its ways of life allows a tour of the Moorish Fortress of La Mota (12th century).



Monday to Sunday: 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays, until 6pm.

The visitor will be able to know the system of walls, towers and gates, the cisterns, its streets, wineries and mills, next to the imposing Greater Abbey Church, the old Town Hall and the military fortress that serve as a guide for this trip back in time. show as unique and singular spaces where to develop and show the life and customs of the medieval period.