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Carbonatos del Sector de Cabañas

Singular places

, Quesada

Carbonatos del Sector de Cabañas

The Cabañas stratigraphic section is an obligatory reference of the Jurassic to Cretaceous transit in the Prebetic Zone. The materials that emerge are essentially carbonates, in which the tidal levels with marked cyclicality and magnificent examples of surfaces with desiccation cracks stand out.

Reef facies, levels of accumulation of ferruginous oolites, and limestone with spectacular sedimentary structures caused by traction currents are also observed. In addition to the section itself, the panorama contains an example of angular unconformity between the Jurassic materials and various Cretaceous terms of high palaeogeographic interest.

Source: Inventory of Georecourses of Andalusia. Ministry of Environment. Junta de Andalucía.

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