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Asociación de Propietarios de Alojamientos Rurales

Tourism Company

Ctra. de la Puerta, 48 1ª-Planta. 23380 , Siles

We are an association dedicated to Renting Rural Accommodation located in the area of La Sierra de Segura and the Nacimiento del Río Mundo belonging to the Calares del Mundo and La Sima Natural Park.

The components of this association are only owners of tourist accommodation categorized as rural with the sole objective of avoiding abusive commissions from large companies such as Booking, Airbnb, etc ... and thus giving a better service to our customers.

It should be noted that the association allocates all the money collected from the fees to improve our visibility on social networks and on the internet in order to avoid having to depend on these platforms to rent our accommodations.

In addition, the rural tourism association is made up of owners of rural accommodation located in Riópar, Siles and its surroundings.

Asociación de Propietarios de Alojamientos Rurales belonging to Parque Natural Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas


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