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Iberian Lynx Land S.L.

Active Tourism Company

C/ OLLERIAS Nº 38 - 3º. 23740 , Andújar How to get

Iberian Lynx Land is committed to responsible and quality ecotourism. It was born from the union of the renowned companies Iberian Lynx Land and Sierra Trek. Union of efforts and knowledge to offer wildlife lovers the best services.

It is made up of a group of professionals who love nature, among which are biologists, naturalists, nature photographers, environmental technicians and environmentalologists.

Local companies from the Sierra de Andújar, the reign of the Iberian lynx, Sierra Mágina, with the highest density of golden eagles in Spain and from the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and las Villas, territory of the mythical bearded vulture.

We dedicate a percentage of the profits to the conservation of the spaces in which we work. We call it the Ecotax.

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