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Conservas Congana

Polígono Industrial Los Llanos. 23537 , Bedmar y Garcíez How to get

Conservas Vegetales García Narváez, whose trademark is Congana, is a family-owned business of master canners that has been operating since 1999 with an undeniable national projection, committed to our land and endorsed with various awards and distinctions.


Information 953760440

Conservas García Narváez has become a thriving industry that generates employment and wealth in Sierra Mágina. We export a large part of our production to several countries of the European Union and in the national market we are present practically in the entire agri-food channel (wholesale markets, large stores, small supermarkets and delicatessens), while we are part of the kitchens of prominent Andalusian restaurants, some of them with the distinction of Michelin Star.

In addition, we are committed to the sustainable economy and the quality of the water of Sierra Mágina, also fulfilling a commitment that becomes a business maxim: working hand in hand with small producers, who pamper their product and are the basis for the quality of our raw material.

To guarantee the highest quality, the packaging process is carried out the same day it is harvested, thus preserving all the fresh and natural flavor.

Conservas Congana belonging to Southern Renaissance


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