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Alcalá la Real, Adventure on the border

Educative community


A dynamic view of the Mota fortress.


Contracting regime

6 per schoolchild

Visitor typology



The monumental complex of the Fortaleza de la Mota de Alcalá la Real is located in a magical enclave at 1,033 metres above sea level. This monumental space was the key, guard and defence of the Christian kingdoms and is currently the old fortified city of Alcalá la Real, a place inhabited since prehistoric times, which was a border stronghold of the Nasrid kingdom and later the headquarters of the Christian troops. In the Fortaleza de la Mota, the Alcazaba and the Iglesia Mayor Abacial can be discovered, which together with a network of streets, neighbourhoods, palaces and wine cellars, dominate the monumental and archaeological site of one of the most emblematic monumental complexes in Andalusia.

From 10:00h to 10:30h, reception of the group in the La Mota car park, and breakfast on behalf of each schoolchild.

From 10:30h to 13:00h, dynamic visit to the La Mota Fortress.

Through the activity "Adventure on the Border". This is a magnificent adventure that goes around every corner of the Fortress with a didactic and entertaining methodology, making the schoolchildren experience and go into history. Special attention is paid to the "Life on the Border" interpretation centre, alternating group dynamics, sensory and didactic experimentation, without forgetting the curricular level to which each case is directed. The visit is complemented by an educational booklet.

Adventure on the Border" is a specific activity for schoolchildren, adapted to different curricular levels, which enables the student to find out who and how they lived on the border of Al-Andalus

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