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Albergue La Posada del Perchel


Calle Perchel III, Santiago Pontones - 23291
How to get

It arises in response to the needs of the area to host large groups or people alone, who want to enjoy our mountains. It consists of living room, kitchen, bathrooms and three bedrooms.


Price per night:

0€ per person

In the hostel there are 20 places distributed in three bedrooms made up of bunk beds.
The house is divided into a kitchen lounge, a male bathroom and a female bathroom, and three bedrooms, two of them with four bunk beds (8 beds each bedroom.) And another with two bunk beds. (4 beds)

Other services:


imagen Pontones

If you come to Pontones you will be able to carry out numerous activities related to the natural environment, you will be able to walk, ride a bicycle, ascend large mountains, enter almost inhospitable terrain, or in forests that will take you to more northern areas or simply travel our roads to places of extraordinary beauty.

There are a number of places, of great contrasts and that visitors to this noble land should not miss:

Birth of Segura

? A karst pool of crystalline waters that usually maintains the flow throughout the year, and that usually generates several hundred liters per second. In this area, there is a facility for public use, a recreational area. The so-called "blowout" period of exceptional flood is very striking, in which the water comes out under pressure causing a roar, but it is not very predictable, it always occurs after heavy snowfalls and rains.

Pontones is the quintessential hiking cradle and proof of this is that several of the most important paths in the park pass through this small town, the GR 7 (Great Route from Tarifa to Atenas), the GR 247 (South Woods) and the GR 144 (Great Tour of Transhumance); in addition to several short-distance trails and many others of great interest although they are not signposted.

Below we indicate the trails that we consider most interesting that can be done leaving directly from Pontones or traveling a few kilometers to the start of the stage:

Juan León viewpoint

This Bypass of the Bosques del Sur Trail starts from Stage 17 Campo del Espino Refuge - Pontones, 8.7 kilometers from its beginning and one kilometer from the Nacimiento del Segura, just between the Cañada de la Cruz and the Nacimiento del Segura.

We will arrive at a natural balcony formed by crenellated rocks and located at 1700 meters of altitude, enjoying a spectacular panoramic view.

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