Green Corners

At first glance, the park appears to be one enormous pine forest. However, if you venture inside and have the desire to explore further, you will discover a surprisingly wide variety of different plant landscapes; and if you look even closer, you will be amazed at how many different species you can observe. It will become clear why the richness of its flora is one of the main reasons this extensive area enjoys the protective status of a Natural Park.

If plants are a particular passion of yours, there is no need for us to say any more: you already know that you will enjoy the beautiful sights on offer. And if you are not the world's greatest botanical expert, do not worry: go for a walk, observe, let yourself be enveloped by your surroundings, and if you feel like paying greater attention to the landscapes and plant life around you, you may find it very rewarding to learn their names and find out why they are here. A good guide and a little patience can work wonders!


A. Las Acebedas, Bosques Lauroides de Alta Montaña

B. Atochares

C. Avellanares

D. Bojedas

E. Bosque Caducifolios de Fondo de Valle

F. Los Bosques en Galería

G. El Bosque Lauroide Mediterráneo

H. Bosques Caducifolios de Alta Montaña

I. Cornicabrales

J. Encinares y Enebrales

K. El Encinar

L. El Melojar

M. El Pinar de Carrasco

N. El Pinar de Laricios o Salgareños

Ñ. El Pinar de Negral o Resinero

O. El Quejigal o Robledal

P. Sabinares de Sabina Mora

Q. Sabinares y Enebrales Rastreros

R. Las Cumbres

S. Los Jardines Colgantes: La Vegetación de Las Rocas