The climate

The mountains of the Park have a lot of character, with all their own climatic features, but none is given in excess. The cold has its time, especially in the highlands. It will be the moment to enjoy the snow and the fireplace. In addition, the lower areas have more than bearable winters. The heat also has its moment, but the omnipresence of the mountains and the vegetation temper its rigors and cool the nights.
In addition, summer is perfect for strolling through the shady pine forests of the high areas, the abundant shadows and the banks of rivers and streams. The balance and temperance of spring and autumn make them, of course, the most desirable seasons.
And, if what you are looking for is light, do not forget that this is Andalusia.


The natural park is one of the wettest parts of Andalusia and a true oasis in relation to the geography of the surrounding area, owing to its high average altitude and the general northeast-southwest orientation of its mountain ranges. The mountains in the park stretch for over 100 kilometres and have a significant barrier effect against weather fronts coming in from the Atlantic, which causes air to rise and in turn prompts the formation of clouds.

In addition, the Segura valley enables Mediterranean weather systems to penetrate the park, which have a particular effect on the northeastern areas and generate rainfall at those precise times of the year when Atlantic squalls are less frequent, such as the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Naturally, not all the areas of the park receive the same amount of precipitation: the level increases according to altitude and also varies (to a lesser extent) depending on the orientation of the mountain slopes in relation to the ...



Temperatures fall as the altitude increases, with the exception of a few isolated and enclosed spaces on the valley floors in which the phenomenon of temperature inversion occurs. In general, however, the temperature drops by 0.5 to 0.6°C per 100 m as you travel higher. This gives rise to great contrasts in temperature over short distances, owing to the uneven nature of the mountain terrain.

As a result, in the less mountainous western parts of the northeast region of the park, and in the far south, summers are hotter and winters are milder than in the higher reaches, where summers are not particularly hot and winters can be especially severe.

To illustrate the contrasts in temperature, the area around the Canales stream (part of the Madera River system) reaches an average low of -3.2°C during its coldest month, while the equivalent for Beas de Segura is just 4.9°C. The average maximum temperature for the hottest month in Las Acebeas is 29.3°C, compared to 36.4°C in ...

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Winds are generally gentle, with the exception of the high peaks. The locals distinguish between several different types of wind: the cierzo, a cold northern wind; the levante or solano, a warmer wind from the southeast; the morisco ("Moorish") or granaíno ("Granada-born"), which comes from the south and often brings rain; the ábrego, from the west; and the manchego, a wind from the northwest that is frequently accompanied by violent storms.