Úbeda y Baeza, Patrimonio de la Humanidad

The traveller is immersed in a walk full of history, a place stopped in time, where the poetry, the legacy of the stone, the flavours of the oil and its traditions, turn these two cities into a unique cultural legacy.
The cities of Úbeda and Baeza, which have been declared World Heritage Sites, preserve that spell from 500 years ago and make them the greatest exponent of the Spanish Renaissance. Surrounded by olive groves with the Guadalquivir River at their feet, these two cities preserve the original layout of ancient times between their streets. Úbeda represents private architecture and civil power, and Baeza represents public architecture and religious power. The two most outstanding figures of those times were Francisco de los Cobos, secretary to Charles I, and his architect Andrés de Vandelvira, author of the most superb monuments in both cities.

Discover Úbeda

In Úbeda we find the Plaza Vázquez de Molina, considered as one of the most beautiful in Europe. It is an open-air place where there rise the most outstanding renaissance monuments, such as the Sacra Capilla del Salvador  del Mundo, the Iglesia de Santa María de los Reales Alcázares   and the Palacio  de Juan Vázquez de Molina.

Discover Úbeda

Discover Baeza

In Baeza the Plaza de Santa María stands out as the nucleus of the noble city, where there rises the Cathedral, dedicated to the Natividad de Nuestra Señora. We also find the romanesque Iglesia de la Santa Cruz, the Palacio  de Jabalquinto,  the Ayuntamiento (City Hall) and the Plaza del Pópulo.

Discover Baeza

Úbeda and Baeza 15 years Patrominio of Humanity

your trip to Úbeda

your trip to Baeza

What to visit

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