
Singular places

0, Alcalá la Real

Alcalá la Real is included within the Andalusian Betic territories, characterized by presenting a great diversity of landscapes and ecosystems.

This diversity is conditioned by its irregular topography from 400 m from Fuente Álamo to 1,553 m from La Martina peak, as well as by the pronounced prevailing climate, with temperatures that rise to 35 ° C during the summer months and descend to -6 ° C in winter.

It is worth highlighting formations such as Los Tajos, impressive cut and rocky, under which the natural vegetation is preserved, as a sample of what was once the Mediterranean forests of the south of the Iberian Peninsula, species such as the holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia) and the gall oak (Quercus faginea) dominate the arboreal stratum and others such as peonies (Poeoni broteroi), honeysuckle (Lonicera implexa), hawthorn (Crataegus mono-gyno), etc. they occupy the thicket or thicket-forest.

In these enclaves, and developing on the limestone walls, we can find a plant ende-same from the south of the Iberian Peninsula that has only been found in 22 populations of Andalusia and is classified as in danger of extinction, the Sarcocapnos baetica subsp. baetica.

Regarding the fauna that we can find in this ecosystem, from birds such as the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), jackdaws (Corvus mone-du / o), red-billed chough (Pymhocorax pyrrohocorax), crows (Corvus corax), red rocker (Montícola saxatilis), etc. We can also observe the occasional passage of some Bonelli's eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus), the migration of griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) and other birds found in the forested area such as the long-eared owl (As / o otus), the redstart ( Phoen / curus phoen / curus), the oriole (On'o / us or / o / us), etc.

There is also a great diversity of wild mammals that seek refuge in this enclave in this area, although they are difficult species to observe, we can detect their presence based on footprints and other records, species such as the marten (Martes foina), genet (Genettagenetta) , badger (Meles meles) and a great multitude of small mammals that act as the base of the trophic chain.

It is also interesting to discover the Los Llanos area, a wide plateau where the arboreal vegetation is absent and where the numerous accumulations of stones or piles that give the territory a lunar appearance stand out.

Despite its barren appearance, the Llanos have a high biodiversity and possibilities of observing wild flora and fauna. The flora is characterized by the abundance of aromatic species such as lavenders (Lavandula), rosemary (Rosamrinus officinalis), thyme (Thymus) etc and fauna, we find a large number of birds linked to this type of wide ecosystems and devoid of arboreal vegetation such as the common cogujada (Calerida cristata), the montesina cogujada (Calenda íeck / oe), the totovía (Lullula arborea), the calandria (Melanocorypha calandra), the stone stone (Saxícola torcuata), the northern stone stone (Saxícola rubetra), redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros), common linnet (Carduelis cannabina), goldfinch (Carduelis cardue-lis), wild wheat (Miliaria calandra), red partridge (Alectoris rufa) in addition to a population of very abundant reptiles such as the ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida), the Iberian lizard (Podareis hispánica), long-tailed lizard (Psammodromus algirus), cinderella lizard (Psammodromus hispánica), bastard snake (Malpolon monspessu-lanus), horseshoe snake (Coluber hippocrepis) and the ladder snake (Elaphe scalaris).