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Valdepeñas de Jaén

Valdepeñas de Jaén is a town in the district of Sierra Sur, in the southwest of the province of Jaén.

The town’s surrounding forestland has particular importance as it is situated within the Sierra de la Pandera in the north and the Sierra de Alta Coloma in the southeast. The landscape is made up of giant chasms, gall oaks, holm oaks and peaks that reach 2,000 m in altitude. The area is also ideal for big-game hunting.


Data of interest

Tourist area: Sierra Sur and Campiña de Jaén
Distance to the capital (km): 34
Altitude above sea level (m): 923
Extension (Km2): 184
N ° of Inhabitants: 4573
People: Valdepeñeros
Postal code: 23150

This municipality is part of:

Owing to its privileged geographic location, Valdepeñas de Jaén boasts gorgeous nature sites with abundant water and a multitude of springs and streams, such as "Las Chorreras" and "El cañón of Pitillos".

Valdepeñas de Jaén is a farming community mainly dedicated to olives, livestock and goats’ milk. The only industry is olive oil production. 

The town’s architectural and cultural heritage includes the Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol (Church of Saint James the Apostle), built in the 16th century, the Molino y Museo de Santa Ana (Mill and Museum of Saint Anna) and the Ermita del Santo Cristo de Chircales (Chapel of Holy Christ of Chircales).

Source of information

Ayuntamiento de Valdepeñas de Jaén


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