Sorihuela de Guadalimar

Sorihuela de Guadalimar is a small town in the district of Las Villas, between the district of La Loma and El Condado. The township also includes an enclave in the heart of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park.


Data of interest

Tourist area: Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas

Distance to the capital (km): 115

Altitude above sea level (m): 638

Extension (Km2): 55

No. of Inhabitants: 1269

People: Sorihueleños

Postal code: 23270

This municipality is part of:

Sorihuela de Guadalimar borders the townships of Chiclana de Segura, Beas de Segura, Villanueva del Arzobispo and Castellar, and the enclave that also forms part of the township is located between the townships of Beas de Segura, Hornos de Segura and Villanueva del Arzobispo.

This enclave makes up half of the municipal area and is an area of forest that historically provided the town with pastureland and a supply of wood. The enclave also forms part of the protected area of the natural park, even though the town itself is beyond the park boundaries. The main part of the township is dominated by olive groves and is situated between the district of Condado in Sierra Morena and the flatlands of Sierra de Segura. 

The local economy is based on olives, olive oil production and tourism, since part of the area belongs to the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park.

The town’s architectural jewels include the Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Águeda (Parochial Church of Saint Agatha), built in a Renaissance style in the 16th century, and the Arabic castle, built on a small plateau in the town centre.

Source of information

Ayuntamiento de Sorihuela de Guadalimar


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