
A township in the district of Campiña in the west of the province.


Data of interest

Tourist area  Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén

Distance to the capital (km) 17’3

Altitude above sea level (m) 587

Extensión (Km2): 157’68

No. of Inhabitants 13.696

Demonym: Toxirianos

Postal Code: 23650

Tourist information

Casa Municipal de Cultura.

Telfs.  953 572202 – 953 573051

This municipality is part of:

A township in the district of Campiña in the west of the province. Torredonjimeno is an olive-growing town with some industry. It has close connections to the city of Jaén due to its proximity and excellent transport links. 

With regards to its historical and artistic heritage, the Iglesia de Santa María (Church of Saint Mary) is worth a visit, built at the beginning of the 16th century in an archaic gothic style. There is also the Iglesia de San Pedro (Church of Saint Peter) which was built in a mannerist style at the end of the 18th century under the direction of Francisco del Castillo. Then, there is the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) and the Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad (Convent of Our Lady of Mercy), founded in 1543. It’s also worth making a visit to the remains of the Muslim castle, built during the 12th and 13th century and later reformed following the Reconquista by the Order of Calatrava.

Source of information

Ayto. Torredonjimeno


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