
An important transport hub at the foot of the Sierra Morena, along the route from Andalusia to Castille-La Mancha. It’s a city which revolves around olives, agriculture and some new industries. However, it also preserves some interesting monuments like the castle, the Iglesia de la Encarnación (Church of the Incarnation), the Ermita de Nuestro Padre Jesús (Chapel of our Father Jesus), the Ermita de Santo Cristo (Chapel of Holy Christ), the Ermita de Soledad (Chapel of Solity) and the Ermita de San Juan (Chapel of Saint John).


Data of interest

Tourist area: Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros

Distance to the capital: (km): 39

Altitude above sea level (m): 343

Extension (Km2): 117

No. of Inhabitants: 17667 

Demonym: Bailenenses

Postal Code: 23710


Tourist information

Pza. Constitución, 1
Tfno.: 953 678 540

This municipality is part of:

A town in the district of Norte, situated at a natural crossroads from the centre and north of Spain towards Andalusia, along with the Nacional-IV from Madrid to Cádiz.</p><p>The most important sector in the town is the ceramics industry, both at an industrial scale and the artisan level. Bailén is famous for the quality of its ceramic artistry.


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