Alcalá la Real

Alcalá la Real, a noble and loyal city, according to a popular local saying, is situated in the south of the province, on the borders with the provinces of Córdoba and Granada. The town sits on a vast plateau dominated by the hill called the Cerro de la Mota, in the centre of a mountainous area covered in olive trees.


Data of interest

Tourist area : Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén

Distance to the capital (km) 71

Altitude above sea level (m) 918

Extensión (Km2): 262

No. of Inhabitants 22524

Demonym Alcalaí­nos

Postal Code 23680

This municipality is part of:

The city of Alcalá la Real sits at the feet of the famous fortress of Fortaleza de la Mota and its surrounding walls, declared a National Monument in 1931. The town layout is of Arabic origin, with houses huddled together, creating steep and narrow streets full of surprises, townhouses, churches and architectural highlights that reveal the splendour and its rich history. These architectural highlights include such gems as the Iglesia de Consolación (Church of Consolation), the Iglesia de Santo Domingo (Church of Saint Dominic), the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias (Church of Our Lady of the Anguish), the Iglesia de San Juan Bautista (Church of Saint John the Baptist), the Palacio Abacial (Abacial Palace), the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) and the Fuente del Pilar de los Álamos (Fountain of Pilar of the Poplars).

From the viewpoint in the neighbourhood of Las Cruces, visitors can enjoy a magnificent view of Alcalá la Real and the ancient fortified city.



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