Centro de Interpretación Pablo de Olavide y las Nuevas Poblaciones

Avda. Andalucía, s/n (Antiguas casas de Maestros). 23230, Arquillos How to get

The interpretation center intends to tell, through panels and new audiovisual technologies, the time that gave rise to the birth of the New Towns, the role of Pablo de Olavide and his link with the ideas of The Illustration, the materialization in Arquillos and in the entire Sierra Morena, the subsequent persecution of the enlightened, until the drafting of the first democratic constitution of Spain in 1812, as well as the development of the municipality of Arquillos from its origins to the present day within the El Condado region.



Saturdays, from 10am to 2pm / Arranged visits: any day of the week for groups of at least 5 people.