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José Luis Ojeda Navío



Calle Velillos, 19. How to get

José Luis Ojeda is a restorer of works of art with more than 25 years of experience in the sector. Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Granada, he decided to specialize in Pictorial and Sculptural Restoration, dedicating himself professionally to this trade since 1991.
With a successful and recognized career, he has been responsible for the restoration of numerous works of great artistic and religious value, many of them internationally known, and having been commissioned by individuals, public administrations or religious organizations.
It has a special attraction towards the restoration of paintings, sculptures, altarpieces and other pieces, always respecting the original work and its author, and not making modifications to them to preserve their essence and personality, except in strictly necessary cases that have been used. of other techniques to be able to rescue the original polychrome.