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Plaza de Santa María

Singular places

, Cazorla

If you travel on foot to the Plaza Vieja or Plaza de Santa María through the old quarter of Cazorla you will be pleasantly surprised. The open spaces, combined with the soaring crags of Peña de los Halcones and Gilillo and the impressive spectacle of La Yedra Castle, are constantly trying to draw your attention away from your immediate surroundings ; however, it would be a shame to let them do so, because in front of you is a beautiful square full of history and charming details, along with the impressive ruins of the church of Santa María which never fail to captivate the many visitors who make their way here.

The church of Santa Maria was the most important building in the Settlement of Cazorla. Built in the Renaissance-style, it is attributed to Andrés de Vandelvira or one of his pupils. The church overlooks the River Cerezuelo, which flows through its vault and continues on underneath the square.

It is not the only remarkable building you will find here, however: the Clergy House, the Endangered Species Centre, the old Town Hall (situated in an alley leading to the square) and the Cadenas fountain (built in 1605) are just some of the many attractions that can be visited in the town.

The square also boasts pleasant restaurants that offer an outstanding selection of local dishes. The prospect of enjoying a fine dinner and a peaceful evening in Cazorla is another reason to keep on coming back to this beautiful square.


We recommend:

  • Visiting the ruins of the church of Santa María and finding out about its history and unique construction. Further information can be requested at the tourist office (tel. 953 710 102).
  • Walking alongside the River Cerezuelo, ascending past the ruins of Santa María towards La Yedra Castle and heading off along one of the small trails that begin in this area. An information board will help you find out more about this part of the town.


Set out from Cazorla’s Plaza de la Constitución, the town’s central square. From there, continue along Calle Doctor Muñóz until you reach another square, Plaza de La Corredera. At the end of this square, turn right and then left, following the signs to La Yedra Castle. After you have passed the Balcón de Zabaleta viewing point you will cross Calle José Salcedo Cano – a steep and narrow street with numerous flowerpots on its balconies – and then enter Plaza de Santa María.

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