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Laguna Grande

Singular places

, Baeza
How to get

It is a wetland near Baeza, about 2 km from the Guadalquivir river, but about 80 meters above its level. It is a space easily flooded and in which man has acted deeply: in fact, its origin is in agricultural activity, since its waters are used for irrigation and it is fed by a system of ditches, presenting a relatively high salinity. At present, it has no agricultural use, although it is still used as a water store.

It occupies an area of ??some 206 ha., Which includes the lagoon itself and a protection perimeter of 500 meters.

The vegetation it presents is typical of a wetland, with the presence of eneas (typha domingensis) and reeds (phagmites australis). In terms of tree species, the white poplar (populus alba), the taray (tamarix africana) and the ash (fraximus angustifolia) stand out, even some acacia (gleditsia triacanthos) in isolation. The rest of the area is dominated by olive groves.

Regarding the fauna present, the presence of typical wetland birds is of special interest: common teal (anas crecca), shoveler (anas clypeata), common pochard (aythya ferina), small grebe (tachybaptus ruficollis), and frieze mallard ( anas strepera), mallard (anas platyrhynchos). In spring, many of these species move to their nesting area, remaining only those that do so in this area: storks (himantopus himantopus), the small plover (charandrius dubius) and the moorhen (gallinula chloropus).

There are also non-aquatic birds, such as the great tit (parus major), the common chaffinch (frigilla coelebs), blackcap (sylvia atricapilla), black warbler (sylvia melanocephala), the common blackbird (turdus merula), the common kestrel (falco tinnunculus), common buzzard (buteo buteo), booted eagle and marsh harrier (circus aeruginosus).

Mammals are smaller, although the genet (genetta genetta) and the badger (meles meles) stand out. In terms of amphibians, the most notable are the gallipato (pleurodeles waltl), the southern frog (hyla meridionalis), the San Antón frog (hyla arborea), the common frog (rana ridibunda) and the common toad (bufo bufo).

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