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Centro Comercial Abierto de Jaén


Avenida de Madrid, 32. 23003 , Jaén How to get

It is in 1997 when the first actions aimed at the constitution of the Open Shopping Center in the city of Jaén take place and, after knowing some of the few existing initiatives in that date of CCA's, it is concluded that although the associative germ it already existed, essential actions regarding accessibility, parking, pedestrianization and semi-pedestrianization were lacking in the area where the Open Shopping Center was to be developed.

That is why a waiting time elapses until in November 2000 the Merchants Association "Las Palmeras" is constituted, whose name is taken from the old Plaza de las Palmeras, today of the Constitution, geographic center of the location area. , taking charge of the planning, organization and subsequent management of the “Las Palmeras” Open Shopping Center in Jaén.


Information 953 25 86 31/953 22 80 58

Monday to Friday: 9: 00-14: 00/17: 00-20: 00
Friday afternoon closed

From that moment until today, the CCA “Las Palmeras” has been consolidated iCCA Las Palmeras Banderolas, increasing the number of participating businesses, the provision of services and the activities and campaigns carried out, having been awarded several times and awarded at the Andalusian level.

  • Navas de Tolosa Street.
  • Walk of the Station.
  • Constitution Plaza.
  • Doctor Civera Street.
  • Mother Soledad Torres Acosta Street.
  • San Clemente Street.

Centro Comercial Abierto de Jaén belonging to Southern Renaissance


Centro Comercial Abierto de Jaén belonging to Route of the Castles and Battles


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