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Arroz cortijero


Olive oil

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500 grammes de riz, 100 grs. de jambon serrano pas très affiné, 100 grs. chorizo, 2 oignons, un verre d'huile d'olive extra vierge picual, 100 grammes d'olives vertes dénoyautées pour la vinaigrette, 2 poivrons rouges, 3 gousses d'ail, persil, poivre et sel.



The chopped onions and the peppers cut into pieces are sautéed in the oil, when the onion begins to brown, we add the pieces of chorizo and ham that we will have previously split, also adding the olives and finally the parsley and minced garlic. Then we will add the rice and sauté a little, then add a liter of boiling water. Season with pepper and salt, letting everything cook for about 25 minutes, depending on the cooking time on the type of rice used.